Name Of Pamphlet :
Concern For The Hereafter
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. If we were to ask a passerby on the street, "Where are you coming from and where are you going?" and he cannot give us an answer, then we will surely think he is crazy. Yet in our own lives, we are guilty of practically the same heedlessness. We too are neither aware of our beginning, nor are we concerned about our end. Will we live forever in this alluring and fun- filled world? No way! We know that death will come to us some day and we will be left alone in a dark grave. Our beautiful houses, fine garments, sumptuous foods and other comforts and luxuries will all be left behind. The people who claim to love us so much will dress us in a white shroud and bury us under a mound of earth, leaving us all alone. We will become a dim memory for those people whose goodwill we preferred over obedience to Allah and His Prophet (Sallal Laho Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam). They will busy themselves once again in the attractions of this world and we will be on our own, enveloped in the darkness of the grave.